Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs

Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs
Image credit Manteresting

There is no easier and better way to utilize bacon on the grill.

  • Hot dogs (All beef)
  • Bacon slices (one slice per hot dog)

Preheat the grill to about medium-high (about 400°F to 450°F).
Wrap each hot dog in a strip of bacon. Place the hot dog on the bacon at one end. Roll the bacon and hot dog around and around until the bacon covers the whole hot dog.
When grill is ready place the hot dogs over indirect heat and grill.
Rotate the dogs every 4 to 5 minutes. The whole process should take about 20 minutes.
Serve on a good hot dog roll with coleslaw, cheese, mustard, onions, relish or whatever other condiments you enjoy.

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