Grilled Eggplant

This is an amazingly easy recipe and ever so savory!

  • 4 Japanese eggplants sliced lengthwise
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Garlic Powder

Rinse and dry the eggplants.
Slice them into 1/2 inch thick pieces.
Combine eggplant slices, extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic powder in a large shallow baking dish and mix well. Let sit at room temperature for at least 1 hour before grilling.
Heat the grill to about medium-high (about 400°F to 450°F).
When the grill is ready, place the eggplant slices directly over the coals and grill until golden-brown grill marks form. About 3 to 4 minutes.
Turn the eggplant and grill until tender and well marked on the second side, 3 to 4 minutes more. The interior should be grayish and soft rather than white and hard.
Serve warm or at room temperature.

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