NBC News: Hillary Clinton 'Covered Up' Pedophile Ring At State Department


An NBC news report from 2013 claimed that Hillary Clinton, while secretary of state, shut down an investigation into an elite pedophile ring in State Department ranks in order to avoid scandal and protect the careers of high ranking officials and an ambassador.

NBC News: Hillary Clinton 'Covered Up' Pedophile Ring At State Department

Flashback to June 11th, 2013 when NBC was reporting real news.

The NBC investigation even provided internal State Department memos to back up claims of a massive Hillary Clinton elite pedophile ring cover-up.

Watching the video below is a little strange. It is a stark contrast to the way the Mainstream Media reports news today. Matt Lauer and Chuck Todd actually sound like they are reporting the news. Major media outlet reporting today has become nothing more than weaponized propaganda and a partisan extension of the Democrat party aimed at destroying Trump and his administration.

The Video

This video was posted back in 2013. I did some digging and it looks like they either didn't make an article for it on the NBC news site or they removed it since it doesn't follow their narrative now.

Excerpts From The Video:

Serious allegations concerning the State Department,” the NBC anchor announced, before launching into the disturbing details that mainstream media would be unable to report on in 2017.

According to internal State Department memos the agency might have called off or intervened into investigations into possibly illegal, inappropriate behavior within it’s ranks allegedly to protect jobs and avoid scandals.

This concerns a time when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.

"There is an old saying in Washington that the cover-up is worse than the crime. But in this case both parts of it are disturbing", Chuck Todd continued.

Allegations of prostitution and pedophilia, and allegations that those crimes were somehow covered up or not looked into. So the State Department this morning is having to respond to those claims, and those investigations involve misconduct by State Department officials, including an Ambassador and security agents attached to then secretary of state, Hillary Clinton.

The allegations are that these investigations were whitewashed, quashed altogether, and that those orders came from high up.

NBC has obtained documents relating to ongoing investigations into some disturbing allegations involving State Department personnel and at least one ambassador. A State Department memo says, quote, “the Ambassador routinely ditched his protective security detail in order to solicit sexual favors from both prostitutes and minor children.

The memo also says a top State Department official directed State Department investigators to “cease the investigation” into the ambassador’s conduct.” It’s just one of what another document describes as “several examples of undue influence” from top State Department officials.

Archived Reporting

The Washington Examiner and Breitbart have both ran stories about the cover up at the State Department under Hillary Clinton.

From Breitbart

A former senior investigator with the State Department’s criminal investigative unit has turned whistleblower and alleged to both the media and Congress that senior staff within State Department covered up investigations into appalling behavior committed by members of Hillary Clinton’s security staff and our ambassador to Belgium. One of those alleged to have interfered was Cheryl Mills, Hillary’s chief of staff.

The case in which Clinton enforcer Mills allegedly intervened centered upon Brett McGurk, Obama’s nominee to be US ambassador to Iraq.

McGurk’s expected nomination fell apart after a computer hack exposed his racy e-mails and an extramarital affair with Wall Street Journal reporter Gina Chon.

According to the memo, the SID “never interviewed McGurk, allegedly because Cheryl Mills from the Secretary’s office interceded.”

“Without that interview, SID has been unable to close the case,” the memo concludes.

Mills is a longtime associate of the Clintons, going back to 1992, and was also at the center of the first scandal to hit Hillary’s State Department: Benghazi. Gregory Hicks, the former Deputy Chief of Mission in Libya, testified before Congress that Mills instructed him not to cooperate with the Congressional investigation into the September 11 terror attacks.

Mills isn’t the only high-ranking official being named. Patrick Kennedy, the Undersecretary of State for Management, is directly accused of killing an investigation into our Ambassador to Belgium, Howard Gutman, who is accused of slipping away from his security detail to solicit sex from minor children.

Gutman was a big Democratic donor before taking the post, having raised $500,000 for President Obama’s 2008 campaign and helping finance his inaugural.

At least seven agents in Clinton’s security detail hired prostitutes while traveling with her in various countries, including Russia and Colombia.

Investigators called the use of prostitutes by Clinton’s security agents “endemic.”

From The Washington Examiner

State Department Inspector General officials edited out passages of a high-profile report in 2013 that could have embarrassed Hillary Clinton just days before she quit President Obama's Cabinet.

"One case, which triggered outraged comment from several [special investigations division] sources, relates to allegations that a Regional Security Officer engaged in serious criminal conduct including sexual abuse of local embassy staff during a series of embassy postings. Sources also reported that a senior [diplomatic security] official successfully protected some agents on the Secretary's Detail from investigations into misbehavior while on official trips," the November 16 draft said.

It is unclear why this critical text was stripped from the report before the inspector general published it in February 2013.

Another passage that was removed from the public report suggests officials in Clinton's office may have protected an ambassador from a child abuse investigation.

"Sources reported that a senior '7th Floor' Department official ordered [diplomatic security] to stop the investigation of an ambassador accused of pedophilia, and another such senior official had [diplomatic security] stop an investigation of an ambassador-designate," the draft reads.

The seventh floor is the location of the secretary of state's office, as well as the offices of the deputy secretary and the undersecretaries, according to the State Department's website. If any of these details were removed because of exculpatory information, this is never stated.

The same section of the final report, titled "Need for Independence," makes no reference to the pedophilia allegations or the sexual abuse charges that were covered up by State Department staff.


The contents and the layout of this post have been updated to address Leftist and Never Trumpers claims that it is Fake News and Clickbait. They obviously never took the time to watch the video.

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