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Barron Trump Time Traveler: 19th-century Book About Baron Trump, A Man Named Don And Russia

  The book, "Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey", by Ingersoll Lockwood, came out in 1893. It's about a boy named Baron Trump who can time travel. WHAT IS GOING ON?! This is spooky! Forgotten 19th century novels feature the 'marvelous' adventures of a boy named Baron Trump who has a mentor named Don and embarks on a trip to Russia. Ingngersoll Lockwood is a late 1800s-era author who wrote a series of eerily prescient books that appear, in some people’s minds anyway, to have foretold the rise of Donald Trump. It is pretty odd; three of Lockwood’s books, written before 1900, feature a character named Baron Trump, and the third is about the “Last President.” One of Lockwood’s books features an aristocratic boy protagonist by the name of Baron Trump who some feel bears a resemblance to presidential son, Barron Trump. Even weirder, Lockwood’s Baron Trump journeys to Russia and is guided by a character named Don. The book is called  Baron Trump’s Marvelous ...

George H. W. Bush Kennedy Assassination Memo

  Here's a memo discussing a "tip" Bush Sr. called into the FBI regarding a threat to JFK's life. Bush was CIA at the time, not working in the oil industry. This letter may be a weak effort at setting up an alibi.   Think about it: George H.W. Bush calls and provides a "hot tip" about a guy he heard of wanted to kill the president about an hour and fifteen minutes after the assassination. In Kitty Kelley's biography of the Bush family she writes that George H. W. Bush stated that he 'can't remember' where he was the day Kennedy was shot and murdered in Dallas. If true, this is an unbelievable statement as everybody, or at least every American, knows where they were when they heard the news of JFK's assassination. This is not something that people forget. In this day and age people know exactly where they were and what they were doing on 9/11 or the day that John Lennon was shot. The JFK assassination cuts deep into the American psyche s...

Did Americans In 1776 Have British Accents?

  Have you ever wondered if the Founding Fathers spoke with a British accent? I know I have. Well here is the answer. The typical English accent didn't develop until after the Revolutionary War, so Americans actually speak proper English. Here comes the science. Credit Nick Patrick for this well sourced info: Reading David McCullough’s 1776 , I found myself wondering: Did Americans in 1776 have British accents? If so, when did American accents diverge from British accents? The answer surprised me. I’d always assumed that Americans used to have accents similar to today’s British accents, and that American accents diverged after the Revolutionary War, while British accents remained more or less the same. Americans in 1776 did have British accents in that American accents and British accents hadn’t yet diverged. That’s not too surprising. What’s surprising, though, is that those accents were much closer to today’s American accents than to today’s British accents. While both have chang...

Epstein Flight Log & Black Book Names

  Epstein Flight Log & Black Book Names It's like a Who's Who of Trump-hating Hollywood. Original copies:   Jeffrey Epstein's Flight Manifest Jeffrey Epstein’s Little Black Book

In 2013 Obama Legalized The Use Of Propaganda On The US Public

  In case you are wondering why there is so much " Fake News " coming out of the Mainstream Media over the last few years: The (2012) National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) legalized the use of propaganda on the US public. On January 2, 2013 Barack Obama signed and enacted into “law” HR 4310 , also known as Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, which was part of the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) . A large majority of concerned Americans were focused on the  indefinite detention of US Citizens without trial clause contained in the NDAA , and missed HR 4310 which received little to no attention. From Business Insider : The NDAA Legalizes The Use Of Propaganda On The US Public The newest version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) includes an amendment that would legalize the use of propaganda on the American public , reports Michael Hastings of BuzzFeed . The amendment — proposed by Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) and Adam Smith (D-Wash.) and passe...

Millie Weaver’s SHADOWGATE Documentary

  The material presented in Millie Weaver's documentary should concern people of all political affiliations. The DoD built "SHADOWNET" acts as an identity tracking system for the left-wing private sector who now owns it. They're using it against you and anyone who opposes them. Millie was arrested hours before she was going to release her documentary exposing the Deep State.

NBC News: Hillary Clinton 'Covered Up' Pedophile Ring At State Department

  An NBC news report from 2013 claimed that Hillary Clinton, while secretary of state, shut down an investigation into an elite pedophile ring in State Department ranks in order to avoid scandal and protect the careers of high ranking officials and an ambassador. Flashback to June 11th, 2013 when NBC was reporting real news. The NBC investigation even provided internal State Department memos to back up claims of a massive Hillary Clinton elite pedophile ring cover-up. Watching the video below is a little strange. It is a stark contrast to the way the Mainstream Media reports news today. Matt Lauer and Chuck Todd actually sound like they are reporting the news. Major media outlet reporting today has become nothing more than weaponized propaganda and a partisan extension of the Democrat party aimed at destroying Trump and his administration. The Video This video was posted back in 2013. I did some digging and it looks like they either didn't make an article for it on the NBC news sit...

Joe Biden Got Help From The Mafia To Get His Job As Senator

  According to a book, I Heard You Paint Houses , Joe Biden got his job as U.S. Senator with help from a Mafia hit-man and Delaware Teamster boss. From Doug Ross: The book I Heard You Paint Houses came out in 2003, so it’s been gathering some dust on a number of bookshelves around the country for quite some time. The book’s title, according to Amazon, comes from the first words infamous Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa ever spoke to Frank “the Irishman” Sheeran. To paint a house is to kill a man. The paint is the blood that splatters on the walls and floors. The book is essentially the deathbed biography of one-time Delaware Teamster boss and mob hit-man Frank Sheeran and truly is a fascinating read. [Spoiler alert: Before he died, Sheeran claimed to be the one who killed his friend and mentor, Jimmy Hoffa--whose body was apparently later cremated.] Despite the book purportedly being made into a movie called The Irishman, starring Robert De Niro , Al Pacino , Joe Pesci, as well as directe...

The Time Bill Clinton Threatened Peter Jennings "You Don't Want To Go There Peter!"

  An extremely pissed and paranoid-sounding Bill Clinton threatened ABC News anchorman Peter Jennings in this interview from November 2004 Bill Clinton sat down with ABC News anchor Peter Jennings in November 2004, almost four years after leaving the office. When Peter Jennings asked him about his low ranking by a group of Presidential historians for his “moral leadership,” Bill Clinton seethed in his response. Clinton could barely contain himself when Jennings told him he cared about the low rating more than he was willing to admit. He seemed to be threatening Jennings as he responded “You don’t want to go here, Peter. You don’t want to go here. Not after what you people did. And the way you – your network – what you did with Kenneth Starr. The way your people repeated every little sleazy thing he leaked. No one has any idea of what that’s like.” One thing to ponder for conspiracy theorists. Peter Jennings announced that he was suffering from lung cancer on April 5th, 2005 . This ...

CIA Paid $600 Million To The Washington Post To Publish Trump Disinformation

  Washington Post owner, Jeff Bezos, was awarded a $600 million federal contract by the Obama CIA to publish disinformation about Donald Trump. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos was tasked with undermining the President Trump via 'leaked' CIA documents given to him when he first took over at The Washington Post. When writing the 1st Amendment to the Constitution, one area of speech the Founders were specifically interested in protecting was that of a free press. They saw the press as a sort of fourth branch of government, one that would keep the “checks and balances” of the other three branches honest. However, over time the same press that was given protection has eroded into a propaganda machine driven by money and political agendas of those who own the media outlets. They have crawled into bed with the very entities they are to keep in “check” and bust out if corrupted. As such is the Mainstream Media today and one the American people no longer trust , and rightfully so given what...

United Nations Publishes Population Replacement Plan On Their Website

  The UN plans to replace USA, France, Italy, UK, the Republic of Korea, Russia and Japan populations with MUSLIM migrants ASAP! THEY'RE NOT EVEN HIDING IT ANYMORE! The United Nations has a solution for the problem of the declining birthrates and aging populations. The issue will be fixed by an influx of Muslim refugees. First, they take virtually all disposable income from people through taxation. Second, they kill the economy and drive up housing and education expenses, forcing responsible people to delay marriage and reduce birthrates. Third, they subsidize the reproduction of irresponsible people. Fourth, import illiterate immigrants and pay them to reproduce in America. Fifth, promote class divisions and pit the poor against anyone that opposes them. Finally, they wait for the majority to become a class of people who rely on government for their very survival and we fix the rules to secure ourselves as the permanent ruling class. United Nations Replacement Migration Plan : Uni...

Room 322 At Hotel ZaZa

  What’s Up With Room 322 at Hotel ZaZa?   A very creepy painting above the bed depicting two girls with dead eyes and deformed, elongated necks. Hotel ZaZa is a stylish inn located in Houston, Texas. While the hotel is known for its luxurious suites, a recent post on Reddit revealed the existence of the mysterious “Room 322”. This room it is not advertised on the hotel’s website and, in short, is the definition of creepy. This is what the Redditor posted: stay here frequently when on business. Hotel was booked solid and my colleague managed to score a room unplanned. We all had normal zaza style rooms (swank) and he ended up in this goth dungeon closet. Seriously- the room had a chain holding the bed to wall, pictures of skulls and a creepy, incongruous portrait of an old man. Room was about 1/3 the normal size with the furniture blocking part of the TV, bed and window. We asked about it at the front desk and the clerk looked it up and said ” that room isn’t supposed to be re...

The Philadelphia Experiment

  Almost everyone has heard of the Philadelphia Experiment , although the number of people who actually have any idea as to what it was all about are nowhere near as numerous. The Experiment seems to fall into the same realm as the Kennedy Assassination; clouded by rumor and supposition, the exact truth of either incident will probably never be known. Both events are also plagued by a mass of incorrect or inaccurate information. Conspiracy buffs are more than happy to create wild, intricate plots involving virtually anyone and everyone on the planet (and in the case of the Philadelphia Experiment, off the planet). THE FACTS AS WE KNOW THEM On August 12, 1943 (or October 28, 1943 - accounts differ) the US Navy conducted a test of some sort on the USS Eldridge (DE [Destroyer Escort] 173) at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. The exact nature of this test is open to speculation. Possible tests include experiments in magnetic invisibility, radar invisibility, optical invisibility or degaussi...

Soleimani's Ring: Was He Part A Of Club?

 Ever wonder why a specific set of people are so upset about the "assassination" of Soleimani? Was he part of a club?

The Hollow Earth: The Greatest Geographical Discovery In History Made By Admiral Richard E. Byrd

The Hollow Earth: The Greatest Geographical Discovery in History Made by Admiral Richard E. Byrd in the Mysterious Land Beyond the Poles - The True Origin of the Flying Saucers   Widely read and reprinted many times, Raymond Bernard’s book is considered by many to be the definitive treatise on the "Hollow Earth" theory. The book purports that the Earth has a hollow and habitable interior, with a small sun in place of a molten core, and is inhabited by a race of “Superhumans” who are the descendants of the exiled residents of the long lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria. Bernard claimed that the true North and South poles had not yet been discovered, and that in their place are concave openings to the inner Earth. Bernard quotes several diary entries and radio announcements by polar explorer Admiral Richard E. Byrd as being definitive proof for his theory that travel to the Earth’s interior was possible. Bernard claims that Byrd’s 1947 and 1956 expeditions took him “bey...

Handy Dandy List Of Organizations Funded By George Soros


A Peach With A Lisp


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