
Showing posts with the label The Earth

The Hollow Earth: The Greatest Geographical Discovery In History Made By Admiral Richard E. Byrd

The Hollow Earth: The Greatest Geographical Discovery in History Made by Admiral Richard E. Byrd in the Mysterious Land Beyond the Poles - The True Origin of the Flying Saucers   Widely read and reprinted many times, Raymond Bernard’s book is considered by many to be the definitive treatise on the "Hollow Earth" theory. The book purports that the Earth has a hollow and habitable interior, with a small sun in place of a molten core, and is inhabited by a race of “Superhumans” who are the descendants of the exiled residents of the long lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria. Bernard claimed that the true North and South poles had not yet been discovered, and that in their place are concave openings to the inner Earth. Bernard quotes several diary entries and radio announcements by polar explorer Admiral Richard E. Byrd as being definitive proof for his theory that travel to the Earth’s interior was possible. Bernard claims that Byrd’s 1947 and 1956 expeditions took him “bey...

Why Earthquakes Are So Hard To Predict

Scientists are trying to figure out if they can predict big earthquakes by simulating small quakes in labs and studying big quakes under the ocean. Learn all about it and why earthquakes are so hard to predict in this video from Minute Earth!     The post Why Earthquakes Are So Hard To Predict appeared first on Common Sense Evaluation .

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