
Showing posts with the label Russia

Barron Trump Time Traveler: 19th-century Book About Baron Trump, A Man Named Don And Russia

  The book, "Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey", by Ingersoll Lockwood, came out in 1893. It's about a boy named Baron Trump who can time travel. WHAT IS GOING ON?! This is spooky! Forgotten 19th century novels feature the 'marvelous' adventures of a boy named Baron Trump who has a mentor named Don and embarks on a trip to Russia. Ingngersoll Lockwood is a late 1800s-era author who wrote a series of eerily prescient books that appear, in some people’s minds anyway, to have foretold the rise of Donald Trump. It is pretty odd; three of Lockwood’s books, written before 1900, feature a character named Baron Trump, and the third is about the “Last President.” One of Lockwood’s books features an aristocratic boy protagonist by the name of Baron Trump who some feel bears a resemblance to presidential son, Barron Trump. Even weirder, Lockwood’s Baron Trump journeys to Russia and is guided by a character named Don. The book is called  Baron Trump’s Marvelous ...

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