
Showing posts with the label Ham


As you arrive at the store you cannot believe that something so good comes from something so small. Simplicity in mind and practice, Benton's store front is nothing that would stand out, but certainly something you should always remember. Once inside you are quickly taken back in time to when Allan first started in the business. In fact the only thing Allan has changed was the type of sugar used, the original company used white sugar, and since his family had always used brown sugar instead of white Allan decided to go with that. The smell is that of an old farm house where food is always cooking and being served. Benton’s Smoky Mountain Country Hams are slow cured using salt, brown sugar, and sodium nitrite and typically aged 9-10 months, though hams are available 1 year and older. This time-honored practice dates back to the era of our forefathers, when the preparation and preservation of meat was a way of life and sustenance. Although the hands of time and technology have scul...

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