
Showing posts with the label George Soros

CIA Paid $600 Million To The Washington Post To Publish Trump Disinformation

  Washington Post owner, Jeff Bezos, was awarded a $600 million federal contract by the Obama CIA to publish disinformation about Donald Trump. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos was tasked with undermining the President Trump via 'leaked' CIA documents given to him when he first took over at The Washington Post. When writing the 1st Amendment to the Constitution, one area of speech the Founders were specifically interested in protecting was that of a free press. They saw the press as a sort of fourth branch of government, one that would keep the “checks and balances” of the other three branches honest. However, over time the same press that was given protection has eroded into a propaganda machine driven by money and political agendas of those who own the media outlets. They have crawled into bed with the very entities they are to keep in “check” and bust out if corrupted. As such is the Mainstream Media today and one the American people no longer trust , and rightfully so given what...

Handy Dandy List Of Organizations Funded By George Soros


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